We commit to our clients to:
Know your business
Our singularity: What could be more natural than understanding your:
- economic issues
- technical challenges
- competitors
- normative frameworks
- market trends
- operating environments
- needs and demands required by the profession
Bontronic is interested in your constraints of development, manufacturing, use and environment of your products.
It is for us the only guarantee to offer you asolution adapted to your level of requirement.
Be a technical manager of your product
Our commitment: Support you throughout the life of your products
We support you in all phases of:
- validation
- tests
- certifications
- qualifications
- standardization
We conduct regular audits of UL/CSA-type agencies on behalf of our clients.
Commit to the upstream R&D price
Our motto: Cost concern
Convinced that the cost price of a product is mastered from the design stage, we commitourselves to our customers from the quote on a serial price of the product right before having carried out the analysis and the design
We commit ourselves to a firm series price of your product as of the realization of the preliminary study.
Aware that the cost price of the product is controlled at the design stage, it is essential to take responsibilities as designer and manufacturer in order to embark the right technology at the right price.
The cost concern is the guiding principle of our approach about the technical definition of the product, and this until the end of the commercialization of your solutions.
Guarantee the durability of your solution
Our expertise: Selection of the right components from the right suppliers
For many of you, your equipment must adapt in demanding environments and for up to 20 years.
This is a major challenge in the electronics industry.
The choice of the components, their TECHNOLOGICAL ROAD MAP and the selected suppliers are success factors to make such a commitment.
We choose the best components from the right suppliers in terms of:
- life cycle of components
- profitability and reliability of suppliers
- long-term purchase contracts
A team of experienced engineers dedicated to customer satisfaction.
For all these reasons our customers entrust us with their design and manufacturing projects of electronic equipment.